By Bid Culverwell - Trustee.

Nothing can prepare you for the overwhelming surge of emotion when you see the difference your small donation is making.
Northeast off Wasso, in the blistering heat, we stood outside a mud house with the mountains rising up around us and the Ngorongoro grassland stretching out to the South.
Olobo was the name of the village we were visiting, home to Baba Letiti and Mumma Letiti, mother and father to a child who is sponsored and lives in the hostel, Letiti.

After a characteristically warm Maasai welcome, introductions revealed that in our party we had with us Kaye and Kate, the joint sponsors of Letiti. I’ll never forget the moment of realisation at the point they recognised these were the people who were supporting their child and giving him an education. Despite the language barrier, their message to Kaye and Kate was clear, thank you.
The Maasai people hold education in such high regard; they respect and value the benefits education can bring to their community. Therefore, they are so grateful when their children are given an opportunity to go to school. It is no surprise that the parents of Letiti were so emotional about meeting the people who have changed the life of their son; some kind words were translated “we thank you so much for what you do, you are now and always will be part of our family.”

This was an incredibly special moment to witness and I feel extremely privileged to have been present for this, it is something I will never forget. It reinforced how important the opportunity to be educated is to these children and their parents and how grateful they are for the support they receive. So, thank you to all our sponsors, you are doing something amazing and be reassured that the children, their parents and the wider community are so thankful for your support.